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She led Ann down many steps, Steve and Spanker following, and through the Execution Room door into a basement dungeon. The sight that greeted them excited Spanker and shocked Ann. They were in a long low room without windows and indirect lighting on the stone walls. Many other robed society members waited for them on soft sofas, several couples including Jo and Paulo and five or six new couples who were there to see Ann whipped and fucked. Ann noticed that all the females wore wrist and ankle. Sure, he was the youngest, but he was a boy and boys should be given a little more slack in things like going to bed.Jack could hear his father on the telephone talking excitedly about something that sounded complicated about Ethernets and broadband, but his mom stuck her head in the door and told him,"Get that light off now, young man, and put that book down."He shrugged in resignation and closed the book about an astronaut stranded on Mars making sure his page marker was in place. He was. ..mean," I strongly whispered back, very slowly and emphatically mouthing each word as I said it. "" Chris asked, just as slowly and emphatically. After hesitating for a couple of seconds to get my thoughts together, I finally blurted out, "Well, I enjoyed sucking your dick and all. It's just that you shot so much sperm, that it made me choke. And to be totally honest with you, I couldn't stand the taste of the sperm either."Chris seemed to find my answer to be. Katie is yet another girl who likes reading naughty stuff. I know this - because she told me. Now, given that I occasionally write naughty stuff, it should come as no surprise that the day arrived, an email turned-up in my inbox from Miss Twisted in Colorado asking clarification of certain aspects relating to a couple of stories I had posted to a certain website that shall remain nameless. Her initial somewhat pretentious "How could you even think of doing stuff like that?" soon morphed.
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